Product Description
Our Slow Kit is typically used to fabricate larger, more complicated composite parts. It has a longer 2.5 – 3.5 hour working time, and can be used for vacuum bagging larger parts before the resin has gelled.* It can also be used for and for repairs or additions to a primary structure. It is compatible with most fabrication techniques, such as lay-up and filament winding. It features excellent wet-out and chemical adhesion of fiberglass, carbon and aramid fibers. Typical applications include aircraft, boats, auto body, structural components and parts. Odorless and non-toxic, It can be applied indoors or outdoors without masks or ventilation.
The Slow Kit will cure completely at room temperature (25°C or above) and does not require a heat cure. When constructing 2-3 ply thin laminates for overnight demolding and sandability, a room temperature of 25°C or above is required. In thicker laminates and larger masses, plan to allow the laminate to cure at least 12 hours at a minimum of 24°C before moving the structure.